Source code for base.test_views

from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase
from django.urls import reverse
from splinter import Browser

[docs]class TestBaseViews(StaticLiveServerTestCase): """Integration test suite for testing the views in the app: base. Test the url for home and the basefiles like robots.txt and humans.txt Attributes ---------- browser : Browser Driver to navigate through websites and to run integration tests. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Initialize the browser, before running the tests. """ self.browser = Browser('chrome')
[docs] def tearDown(self): """At the end of tests, close the browser """ self.browser.quit()
[docs] def test_home(self): """Test for url 'base:home'. Visit the url of name 'home' and check it loads the content """ self.browser.visit(self.live_server_url + reverse('home')) self.assertTrue(self.browser.is_text_present('Hello, world!'))
[docs] def test_robots(self): """Test for url 'base:base_files(robots.txt)'. Visit the url of robots.txt and check it loads the file """ self.browser.visit(self.live_server_url + reverse('base_files', kwargs={'filename': 'robots.txt'})) self.assertTrue(self.browser.is_text_present('robotstxt'))
[docs] def test_humans(self): """Test for url 'base:base_files(humans.txt)'. Visit the url of humans.txt and check it loads the file """ self.browser.visit(self.live_server_url + reverse('base_files', kwargs={'filename': 'humans.txt'})) self.assertTrue(self.browser.is_text_present('humanstxt'))